Manufacturing Pricing Excellence: A round-up from the Capital of Cars

We’re back from the Capital of Cars, Europe’s manufacturing heartland, Stuttgart, where we had the pleasure of joining the Copperberg team for its Manufacturing Pricing Excellence Forum. If you missed the event, don’t worry, we’ve rounded up the key themes for you.

The Challenge of Disparate Data

Integration following a merger or acquisition can’t be underestimated, and many manufacturers at the show were wrestling with the complex consequences of inorganic growth. Acquired businesses operating on different ERPs or proprietary systems create a major headache. If that’s familiar, then Flintfox can help. We’ve worked with manufacturers who have grown through acquisition, centralizing all of their pricing data and controls. Learn more about how Flintfox can assist with data integration.

Price Protection in Manufacturing

Manufacturers feel like they have less control of their channel partner pricing. Distributors are setting their own prices and discounts with the end buyer, and as a result, manufacturers are having to claw back profit from other lines retrospectively. This is where a solution like Pay and Trace comes in. Discover more about our Pay and Trace solution.

The Shortage of Pricing People

The global labor shortage is no secret, but it goes beyond the factory floor. There’s a shortage of pricing talent in the market. Fewer people with the expertise needed to control and execute pricing strategies effectively means businesses risk missing out on profit—it’s that simple. The people we spoke to said they need to be given the budget and tools to maximize the resources and data they have. Find out how Flintfox can help maximize your pricing resources.

And that’s a wrap. If you want to find out more about our expertise in manufacturing pricing, get in touch with us today.