Flintfox at EPP FMCG Pricing Forum 2023

The end of blunt price rises

After the inflationary shocks of 2022, when all eyes turned to costs, FMCG companies are returning their focus to shoppers.

So what does this mean for pricing? This could be the end of blunt price rises and a move towards data-led, strategic, and long-term pricing – ¡Olé!

Nurturing the retailer relationship

Consumer brands are feeling the pressure from all directions, input costs are still stubbornly high but the retailer relationship is more strained than ever. The pricing people at EPP FMCG Pricing Forum told us that what they need is a full view of margin – what’s coming from core margin and what’s coming from promo – to give them the ability to have transparent conversations with retailers and get them onboard with the pricing strategy.

The devil is in the data

To get back in control of profits and regain trust, it’s all about data and execution. EPP attendees want instant margin visibility to make smarter, faster decisions and the power to implement changes when they’re needed.

According to one of the major brands we spoke to, “Price will always be a lever we need to pull up and down, we just need a better way to do it”.

Flintfox is here to give consumer brands full control of that lever and steer you into profit. To start a conversation about how we can help you, contact us here.

*Unverified but highly likely.