Inside Scoop from the Inner Circle

Last month, we attended Microsoft’s annual Inner Circle for Business Applications Summit. At this exclusive event, not only did we have the opportunity to hear about upcoming developments and strategies from the business, but it was also a great opportunity to connect with fellow partners.

While there was a lot to get excited about this year, one topic dominated….

It’s all about AI

AI remains the focus at Microsoft, with partners and ISV’s being brought in to help push this forward. Organisations are being empowered with tools that will enable the creation of automated processes. Linking processes together into “agents” will come shortly after. Best of all, Microsoft are committed to help empower partners with training, technical support and even promotional resources.

In this context, an “agent” is a string of tasks or functions linking multiple co-pilot activities. An example is that a user could have an imported deduction file sorted by type of deduction, then each deduction type could be worked by copilot to determine if they were valid or had enough back-up to accept. Deduction lines would then be posted or rejected by the “agent” with personnel then able to focus on the higher cost or value lines.

Copilot AI as the next Windows

There is a belief in the partner community that Copilot will be as ubiquitous as Windows in the near future. Everyone will have it installed and it will be used whenever any device or software solution is accessed. Copilot D365 is already available for tasks like linking help and user guides. As an example, a user could type a question about how to set up a Trade Agreement in Flintfox and then be served up with answers via Copilot sourced from user guides, help menus and training documents.
So it’s clear that AI will continue to be a focus in all corners of Microsoft and it’s exciting to think about the role we can play as partners to help integrate within our Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Azure hosted solutions, while at the same time continuing to develop our own AI functionality.

Thanks again to Microsoft for having us – bring on next year!